Hotel Omega Brno***
Single room
Double room
Triple room
Quad room
01.01. - 01.03.
1080 CZK
1580 CZK
2030 CZK
2530 CZK
01.03. - 05.03. 1400 CZK
1850 CZK
2350 CZK
2850 CZK
05.03. - 20.03.
1080 CZK
1580 CZK
2030 CZK
2530 CZK
20.03. - 24.03.
1400 CZK
1850 CZK
2350 CZK
2850 CZK
24.03. - 21.04.
1080 CZK
1580 CZK
2030 CZK
2530 CZK
21.04. - 26.04. 1400 CZK 1850 CZK 2350 CZK 2850 CZK
26.04. - 13.05. 1080 CZK 1580 CZK 2030 CZK 2530 CZK
13.05. - 16.05 1400 CZK 1850 CZK 2350 CZK 2850 CZK
16.05. - 09.10. 1080 CZK 1580 CZK 2030 CZK 2530 CZK
09.10. - 13.10. 2700 CZK 2700 CZK 3600 CZK 3950 CZK
13.10. - 31.12. 1080 CZK 1580 CZK 2030 CZK 2530 CZK


Please check the price with the hotel reception when making the reservation. Prices are set in CZK per room and night. The price includes VAT and breakfast.
The local tax-stay fee amounts to CZK 40/person/night, it is not part of the accommodation price.
Prices for travel agencies are negotiated individually.


The surcharge for a dog/cat in the hotel room is 350 CZK/night.
The surcharge for a car in the hotel garage is 250 CZK/night. Motorbike is 100 CZK/night.
Bicycle/scooter in the hotel garage with a lock 100 CZK/night

Booking cancellation policies

-booking cancellation no later than on the day before scheduled arrival to 14:00- free of charge

-booking cancellation on the day of expected arrival (or not arriving) will be charged at 100% of the price of the first booked night

Price markup
Loss of hotel card 500 CZK
Violation of hotel rules, especially the ban on smoking  5000 CZK
In case of extensive damage to carpets or beds, the price is determined according to the extent of the damage.